Grants Program Header Image

Global Grants Program

Supporting charities worldwide that MDRT members care about.

How to Apply

How to Apply

The application for the Global Grants Program is completed via an online portal.

The charity representative will complete this application and the MDRT member will provide a letter of endorsement.

Applications will open in May and the deadline to submit is September 1.


The MDRT Foundation Global Grants Program funds a diverse range of charitable projects benefiting those less fortunate worldwide. An application for grant funding must be endorsed by a current member of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT).

  1. The endorsing MDRT member is not required to be a volunteer with the charity to be eligible for a grant, although the application includes questions related to the member's volunteerism, if applicable.
  2. Our expectation is that a representative from the charity complete the application, not the MDRT member.
  3. The member is responsible for providing the charity representative their name, email, MDRT ID number and a letter of endorsement (more detailed instructions can be found in the application).

Online application process

  1. Submit Letter of Inquiry (LOI). You will be notified within two weeks whether you are approved to submit an application for grant funding.
  2. Submit application for a Global Grant.

The application must be completed by September 1.

Eligibility guidelines

  1. Application must be endorsed by a current MDRT member.
  2. The organization must be registered in its country as a not-for-profit or non-governmental organization (NGO) that operates for charitable purposes.
    • If based in the United States, must be classified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
  3. The endorsing member need not be a volunteer or have a personal connection to the charity.
    • However, each year up to three top grants will be awarded in honor of a member’s significant volunteer impact with a charity.
  4. The charitable organization has not received an MDRT Foundation Global Grant in the previous year.
  5. The MDRT member has not endorsed a charity that received a Global Grant in the previous year.


The MDRT Foundation does not provide funding for any of the following:

  1. Individuals
  2. Private charities, donor-advised funds, or charitable organizations whose primary role is to re-grant funds
  3. Religious or faith-based projects which include faith-based messaging and educational materials; and/or the project is restricted to those who follow a designated faith
    • Exception: a charitable program run by a religious organization is eligible for a grant if the program does not include religious messaging and is offered to members of the community regardless of their religious affiliation.
    • Example: a food bank or meal program that is run by a church and offered to anyone in the community and does not include religious messaging or require
  4. Organizations or projects that strongly represent political affiliations or divisive issues.
  5. Organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, color, citizenship, disability, sex, gender, race, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, military service or status
  6. Colleges, universities or schools, unless the request is for a program or activity that benefits the public at-large or an at-risk group
  7. Fundraising event, endowment fund or capital campaign
  8. Academic scholarships that are open to the community at large (In contrast to academic scholarships or program scholarships for people in need from a marginalized or underrepresented population)

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