Excalibur Society

Kami berterima kasih atas kemurahan hati para donatur yang telah memampukan kami untuk terus membantu anak-anak dan masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Para donatur ini berperan vital bagi program hibah kami.

  • Gold and diamond Excalibur lapel pin (5 diamonds)
  • Choice of Excalibur Society recognition gift (sword plaque, crystal bowl, clock)
  • Preferred Main Platform seating during the MDRT Annual Meeting and MDRT Global Conference
  • Ribbon to wear at MDRT Annual Meeting and MDRT Global Conference
  • Recognition at MDRT Foundation booth at MDRT Annual Meeting and MDRT Global Conference
  • Grant of USD 2,000 to a qualifying charitable organization upon achieving Royal Order knight level, if also a member of the Inner Circle Society.
  • Name and photo on Foundation website and Annual Report
  • Name listed in MDRT Foundation’s Annual Report (if current donor)
  • Name listed on Donor Wall at MDRT headquarters
  • Invitation to exclusive Excalibur Reception at the MDRT Annual Meeting
  • The Society, quarterly e-newsletter exclusive to MDRT Foundation major donors
  • Deceased
  • Adrian P. Baker

    Adrian P. Baker,

  • Joyce P. Baker

    Joyce P. Baker,

  • Timothy Daniel Clairmont

    Timothy Daniel Clairmont,

  • Frank A. Creaghan

    Frank A. Creaghan,

  • Maria Ferrante-Schepis

    Maria Ferrante-Schepis,

  • Alessandro M. Forte

    Alessandro M. Forte,

  • Alphonso B. Franco

    Alphonso B. Franco,

  • Richard L. Haas

    Richard L. Haas

  • Mark J. Hanna

    Mark J. Hanna,

    CLU, ChFC
  • Gene L. Mahn

    Gene L. Mahn,

    CLU, ChFC
  • John F. Nichols

    John F. Nichols,

    MSM, CLU
  • Douglas R. Peete

    Douglas R. Peete,

    ChFC, AIF